I am the water carrier
on fire.
My spirit drives will.
The spirit moves where it wills.
Thy will be done.
As it is in Heaven
on earth.
Pour me into the caves
watch me evaporate.
It will rain again.
I am an unbroken cycle.
My tongue in my throat
and all.
1 comment
Something I wrote after reading this:
You gave me wings in a dream today
Produced from passion, devised from desire
And when I use them, what will become of me?
Will I resemble Icarus and dissolve under your adoration? Scorched by admiration?
Or will I soar so highly, I forget my tired limbs?
Will I ever use my feet again?
So hold me tightly in your arms
For I would shed every sprouted feather to call this place mine
Keep me here and I will stay
Hold me closely so I wont fly away